First Day of a Very Special New Year

Day 1, Post Winter Solstice 2012; Day 1, Post Yule; Day 1 Post End of the Mayan Calendar.

Happy New Year to you, Happy Birthday to the new year - for this is the true solar beginning of the new year in our hemisphere of life on the planet.

There is a very strong energy occurring right now, ushered in with the Solstice!  It is absolutely sheeting away limitations and karmic entanglements from our consciousness, the limitations of the past both individually and collectively.

You can actually feel this if you just sit, relax and become still - the energy will help you become still.  What you will feel is a tremendous flow of energy - let go and let it flow, flow, flow.

Some of us, for awhile, may feel a lot of emotions, memories, and thoughts arising like a phantasmagoria of our past.  You may watch these go by but try not to grasp on to them, let them flow - they are flowing to a higher level of integration within your being. The intention of the energy right now is to give you freedom and open the way to new possibilities in life. So allow everything to flow like a stream, and in that flow all will be replenished and given back anew. And just think, you don't have to do anything!

The divine quality that can help us with this is found in the wazifa Ya Wahabo, it means the divine flow and also the divine bestower.

Prayer for New Year  

O Thou who abidest in our hearts,   
most Merciful and Compassionate God,   
Lord of Heaven and Earth,   
we forgive others their trespasses and ask Thy forgiveness of our shortcomings.   
We begin the New Year with pure heart and clear conscience, with courage and hope.   
Help us to fulfil the purpose of our lives under Thy divine guidance.
Hazrat Inayat Khan 

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