End of the Mayan Calendar

Not the end of the world... but the end of something significant.

Think about it, our calendar governs so much of our lives, what if it ended?
It is not the end of that part of our world governed by the calendar?

Would it bring freedom - maybe, would it bring chaos - maybe.  It would definitely be an ending of an old world view and all the frames of consciousness which that entails, and it is definitely a force for a new beginning.

It is not an accident that it occurred on the Winter Solstice of 2012, not an accident at all, for at this time there is a tremendously powerful impulse and flow of light and energy coming into the collective consciousness of humanity.  The impetus of this is to take away the limitations of the past and enable a new world of possibilities for the future.

So, from a certain point of view, the end of the Mayan Calendar is the end of  "a" world - but with every ending comes a new beginning!



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