Nourishing the Body with Light

The cells of our body need food and water to be healthy and regenerate, but they also need light! In their deep substructure, our cells are made of pure light. Therefore feeding ourselves with Light provides additional deep nourishment to the body as well as the heart and mind, that helps maintain balance which is health.

It is nice to drink in different qualities of light: Sun Light, Moon Light, Star Light, Etheric Light. Sun for illumination, power and vitality; moon for healing emotions and heart; stars for cosmic consciousness and expansiveness of mind; etheric for physical healing.

  • To drink Sun light, stand in the Sun and feel the pours of your skin and cells of your body opening like windows - feel the light coming in through all those windows filling the entire aura and body with light. As you exhale feel this light filling all the cells of your body.
  • To drink moon light, stand in the moon light and completely relax.  Feel your heart center, like a moon flower, opening to the light of the Moon, feel the moon light entering your aura and then your body through the heart center filling your heart and whole body. As you exhale feel this light filling all the cells of your body.
  • To drink in star light, celestial light, stand outside under the stars, using your eyes, allow them to be receptacles of the star light; breathe in through your eyes the star light - not just the focalized light of a single star but the light between the stars - the starlight that fills the entire cosmos. As you exhale feel this light filling all the cells of your body.
  • To drink the etheric light, feel your Aura, the light bubble that surrounds and interpenetrates your body, being filled with light. With eyes closed, feel your Aura being filled with light and growing fuller and brighter. Feel this light completely illuminating your etheric substructure which is your etheric body. Your etheric body is an exact double your physical body but made of gossamer threads of light. As you exhale feel this light filling all the cells of your body.

As a final stage, enjoy the feeling of a very great flow of light coming down from
on-high and washing through your aura and body, purifying and carrying all impurities, imbalances, and heavy energy into Mother Earth who receives it as a gift to be recycled. Leave nothing in your aura and etheric body but light.

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