The 4 Healing Faces of Forgiveness

Without Forgiveness we cannot be free and whole as we were meant to be.  The four healing angels of Forgiveness can help us with the healing processes of being able to forgive ourselves, forgive others, and ask forgiveness of others.

We all make mistakes; we all have done things that we regret, deliberately or accidentally.  These actions can knock us down, crucify us, throw us into depression, and cause us to lose faith in the beauty and joy of life.  To heal from this, we must be able to accept forgiveness and perhaps to also ask forgiveness from others.  Allah, God, the Great Spirit is all forgiving but we must first forgive ourselves. This is not easy, for often we feel so horrible that we do not want to forgive ourselves or believe we can be forgiven, we would rather die or just quit living - but we are meant to go on, we must get back up again. 

In some cases this healing might require us to ask forgiveness of others we have wronged.  This also is not easy, it takes strength and humility. In doing this, we must realize that we might not be forgiven by the other – yet if we make a sincere effort and mean it, God forgives us even when the other cannot yet do so.  It is our attempt that counts here, not the reaction of the other.  Forgiveness can be asked for inwardly but it is best when it can be consummated outwardly.  Finally, what we might wish for most is for the effects and limitations caused by our mistakes and wrong actions upon our loved ones to be nullified. (Inshallah).  

Also, there are wrongs that have been done to us, directly or indirectly, that are the result of mistakes or ignorant actions by others.  These can create anger, bitterness, pain and suffering in us.  If we cannot find an antidote to these poisons, ways understand and integrate the hurt or pain. If we cannot somehow find a way to understand or come to terms with those actions, allowing us to finally let go of the bitterness and pain, then again, we are blocked from being healed and freed.

There are 4 Divine Qualities, Divine Angels of Forgiveness that, if we call to them, will help guide and heal us. They will help us to forgive ourselves; accept God’s forgiveness; integrate the pain caused by our mistakes or the mistakes of others upon us; help us find a way to be able to forgive others; and finally, to resolve the karma of our actions. 

The 4 Angles of Forgiveness are:

al-Ghafûr – To help us to be able to forgive others.
This is the One who completely forgives mistakes and faults, the perfection of Forgiveness.

al-Ghaffâr  - To be able to forgive ourselves and accept forgiveness.

This is the one who forgives our faults and mistakes, time and time again. The One who sets us free from the guilt and shame of our own mistakes and faults, such that we may discover inner harmony and peace.

al-'Afûw  To blot out and leave no trace of the effects of our mistakes or of the actions we regret.

This is the One who removes and obliterates all traces of wrong actions; The One who can make any sin, error or fault disappear.

at-Tawwâb – To, inwardly or outwardly be able ask forgiveness of others we have wronged.
This is the One who beckons for our return. The One who forgives those who return to goodness. The One who restores to grace those who repent.
You can call upon these four blessed angles of forgiveness when you need them, either in prayer or by repeating their names on the breath - they will come if we call with a sincere heart.

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