The Service Circle for Individual Attunement

This collective attunment is offered in the spirit of universal kinship, unity and interbeing for the service and blessing of all. It builds an etheric accommodation or sanctuary that acts as a conductor, protector and amplifier of the blessings and wishes placed within it. The Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan says of such an accommodation: “An accommodation is not only a need but it is indispensable; nothing can be born, composed, constructed, or molded without its accommodation.”


1.      Set sacred space with this Universal Invocation:
Toward the One, The perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty, The Only Being United with all the illuminated souls who form the embodiment of the master and the spirit of guidance.
2.      You may also add the invocation of the Light Bearer:
a.      In the One, United with all the Illuminated Souls, I will hold Aloft the Light of Truth.
3.      Then repeat and feel or envision a temple being built that overarches the entire world:
a.      Together we join our hands of service with each other and with all beings of service; (this builds the strong base of the temple on Earth)
b.     Together we join our hearts of compassion with each other and with all beings of compassion; (this builds the walls of the temple reaching up toward heaven)
c.      Together we join our souls in the Unity of God; (this forms the great dome of the temple and connects it to Heaven)
d.     And with this joining form a universal temple for the service and blessing of all beings. (this instantiates the temple)
At this point one feels the sanctuary over the whole Earth reaching to the highest heavens and being held by the circle.
5.      Now offer into the sanctuary your blessings, wishes, thoughts, prayers, visualizations, intend to be of service and blessing to humanity and all beings. Also allow a silent moment for any etheric beings who have joined with you to also make an offering. Complete this by saying: Inshallah” or “As God Wills”.
6.      End the attunement with the last verse of the Prayer for Peace:
“Send Thy Peace, O Lord, our Father and Mother, that we Thy children on Earth may all unite in one Family.”

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