29th URS of Sufi Amin Richard Macko

Yesterday, July 25, 2012 marked the 29th Urs of our beloved spiritual teacher and guide Sufi Amin, and I know God’s blessing is, was and always will be with him.

(An URS is a celebration of the life and transcendence of a great Spiritual Teacher or Master)

Amin was an extraordinary being who reached Self-Realization at an early age. He remembered his past lives as well as the past lives of those he took as students.

I remember that Swami Rama of the Himalayas once told him that as a yogi in a past life, his cave was just across the valley where Swami Rama’s had been. Amin once told me that he and I had been together through many lifetimes, and he also would say to me from time to time, “you must work harder, you have not yet reached the stage of realization you were at in your past life.”  Upon retrospect, this also helped me understand why, when I met him for the first time, he look at me and literally said: “There you are, I have been waiting for you for a long time, are you finally ready to get going?” As an adept of the Science of the Breath, Amin could readily read the future of an almost any event or activity just by the condition of the breath; I remember him once remarking that something was going to end in the life of Prime Minister Begin because when he saw him on TV his breath went into to Kemal State.  Amin would always know our thoughts, and this made being his student quite challenging because you could never hide anything from him, but he also always knew what you needed.  One day, when I had no money he just walked into our kitchen and gave me 50$ and said, “go buy a tire”… I never even hinted to him that I had been worrying over replacing the flat tire because I had no money!  He was a great healer and he had the ability to heal at a distance - broken bones, cuts, burses, the burses and cuts would heal so fast that they seemed to disappear before your eyes!  Most special was that he was always aware of the unseen beings, so many times at Zikr he would tell us not to move after it was over because one great being or another was in the room and giving a blessing – after he called our attention to it we of course could then feel that presence.

Amin’s real blessing, however, was his Love and Faith in making the very powerful practices and teachings from the great schools of mysticism available to “Humankind the Great Orphan” in a way that could be understood and used. This was the mission God had given him – to ‘bring the life transforming teachings and practices of Self-Realization out of the cave and into people’s everyday lives.’  He gave his whole life to this work, this is what he taught us as his students, and this is why he founded the Fraternity of Light.  He knew these practices could completely change lives for the better, that they could empower us and unlock potentialities in the human soul that would transform life into a “Rainbow of Miracles”.  This is also why he loved the Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, because it came from the same divine desire and intention!  The first evening I came to study with Amin, he pulled up in a white van and said “get in, we have work to do”. I then proceeded to go with him has he taught 4 Life Long Learning classes in one evening, he was tireless in giving the Message of God to others!  He also gave so many wonderful seminars, making some of the deepest teachings of mysticism understandable and applicable to everyday life. As I teach meditation, to this day I teach primarily Amin’s practices because people literally eat them up! They are so fun and easy to use and understand and yet behind each is a deep mystical principle.

Dear Beloved Amin, Pir, Master, Guru, Murshid, spiritual guide - I offer my reverence, homage and gratitude for your love in my life; you put my life on track and guided me to find its purpose. I pray I may be with you again in coming lifetimes and until then I will do my best, inadequate as it is, to continue to share your wonderful teachings of "Opening the Door to Life" with the world!
Moinuddin Christopher Clarke

Song of the Mureed
(a few of the poems I composed when I was the mureed of Murshid Amin)

      Said the Murshid:
      Give me thy hand and I will walk with thee through the valley of death,
      That thou might know, as I know,  life everlasting,
      For I was born that thou may have eternal life.

       At thy Sama,
       When I feel myself as a drop in the ocean of your heart,
       Wherein the whole universe is reflected,
       Then truly do I know there is only One Being.

 And in the embrace of thy ecstasy I become,
       All the rhythms, and all the birth, and all the growth, all the death and all the love of life.

        Ya Quddus, Ya Quddus
        Sings the mureed’s heart
        In the presence of the murshid
             Eyes attentive,
             Lips closed,
             Heart Open.

 Ya Quddus, Ya Quddus
       For through the murshid the most holy one is present.
       Ya Quddus, Ya Quddus
       The murshid is the sacred gate of God’s light upon Earth,
       The answer to the yearning of the mureed’s heart and soul.

        Veiled to the world, the murshid becomes unveiled to the mureed
       And thereby ushers the mureed into the Divine Presence,
       Ya Quddus, Ya Quddus

        Beloved Murshid
        Thy humanity calls my soul to Earth,
        And thy divinity transforms
        Earth into Heaven.

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