Purification of Chakras with Allah Hu - Divine Presence
Starting at the base of the spine, one by one turn each Chakra upward and feel it being filled with the light and sound of Allah Hu. To do this most effectively you must Mentally command each Chakra to turn away from the sights and sounds of the environment and point upwards toward the Top of Head where they can be filled with the light and vibration of Allah Hu coming down from on-high. You must TELL and then feel the chakra continuing to point upwards not letting it refocus outward, for it will want to, and as you do this you feel it being permeated with the light and vibration of Allah Hu . So now focus on the base of the spine, at the " Muladhara Charka", and mentally tell it to"> point upwards toward the Crown Chakra; then repeating silently or aloud Allah Hu 7 times feeling that chakra being filled with the light and vibration of Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu . Then focus on the second chakra, the "...