What you Need is What You Breathe - Part 2

Now we add Visualization along with the Breath

EARTH Element
If you need to be able to keep your concentration on a task or you need 'staying power' - call upon the Earth Element for help:

Breathe in thru the Nose and out thru the Nose, as you do visualize or feel yourself breathing in and out through the soles of your feet and base of the spine; visualize yourself as a tree deeply rooted in Mother Earth.

WATER Element
If you need to find a way around an obstacle or blockage in your life (mental, emotional or physical) - call upon the Water Element for help:

Breathe in thru the Nose and out thru the Mouth, as you do visualize or feel yourself as a stream or river flowing around all obstacles as it continuously makes its way toward its goal.

FIRE Element
If you need to expand your thinking, rise above a situation, or be able to look at a situation with a 'birds eye view' - call upon the help of the Fire Element:

Breathe in thru the Mouth and out thru the Nose, as you do visualize or feel your consciousness expanding without measure as if you were on a rocket ship, breaking all confinements and limitations, mental, emotional or physical, or perhaps like a great cosmic Sun radiating unlimited light in all directions.

AIR Element
If you need to let go of something, to be free of a burden, to rise above the denseness of the Earth - call up the help of the Air Element:

Breathe in thru the Mouth and out thru the Mouth, as you do feel consciousness expanding into the cosmos and all mental, emotional, physical weight completely falling away, let everything go as you feel yourself becoming as light and free as air; allow yourself to just completely let go feel totally free of all heaviness and burdens.

Note: These visualizations are just suggestions to give you an idea, you can improvise.

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