Mary and Amin
Sleepless at 4am, I became absorbed into a state related to the most recent change to our spiritual lineage - that being when Mary Inayat transcended this Earth to join Sufi Amin within the Shajara (family tree) of the Fraternity of Light. What happened was a much more tangible and accessible feeling of the presence of the One Reality, of its Oneness, of an embrace that was both Love and Light. I believe this is due to something that happened when the Divine Feminine or Shakti, embodied by Mary Inayat, mingled with the Divine Masculine or Shiva, embodied by Sufi Amin within our Shajara. It was like when humidity is added to temperature - the feeling permeates to the bone. Temperature without humidity is one thing but add humidity and you add presence to something all pervading! Such are the musing of the Mudzub.