Transmuting Darkness into Light

Often in the course of our lives, particularly when the ‘mirror of our consciousness’ becomes clear from spiritual practice, we start to pick up a lot of heavy emotions in our auras.  We may not even recognize these as coming from outside ourselves and therefore attribute them to “I”:  Why am “I” feeling depressed, angry, confused, fearful, exhausted, etc. 
These heavy emotions manifest in our mental-emotional bodies from outside, from there they can sink into our etheric body and finally, even into our physical bodies. The heavy energy or emotion we pick up comes to us because: (a) of an affinity with our own mental-emotional tendencies; or (b) from individuals we are close to such as family, loved ones, a group we are connected with, or even from the city we live in.

No matter where these emotions come from, how we handle them is essentially the same: the first step is to recognize them; the second, to honestly ask if they are mine or not mine, (i.e. coming from outside); and third, to stop giving them life by focusing or dwelling upon them or acting them out. 

There are also spiritual techniques that can be use to disperse, reframe or transmute such heavy emotions. Three of these techniques are given below. 

  1. Filling our aura and atmosphere with light – evaporating heaviness
This practice is like the sun which progressively disburses a dense morning fog to bring forth its light into the world.

Relax and feel light coming down from on high through the crown center and radiating out from the third eye like a beacon of light.  Now gently moving the head from left to right repeat the mystic phrase of the Sufis over and over La Illaha, La Illah, La Illah (or if you prefer you can say Nur, Nur, Nur or Light, Light, Light).  You are washing your aura with light, filling your aura with light.  After you wash your aura with light you can also wash the atmosphere around you with light. Do this until you run out of time or feel the heaviness begin to lift. Sometimes you may not immediately feel the change in your aura or atmosphere, growing lighter and brighter, but that does not mean the practice has not worked!

  1. Transmuting Heaviness
Through the mouth, Inhale the heaviness in through the solar plexus and feel it rising up the spine to the top of the head; as the heavy energy rises up the spine see or feel it becoming lighter and lighter. It is like the night transitioning into morning at sunrise.  After inhaling the energy up to the of the head, briefly hold your breath and feel all the heaver or darker energy transformed into pure light, like the brilliant light of the sun.  Then, exhaling through the nose, feel that energy of light radiating out of your heart center as Love.

Note: Inhaling through the Solar Plexus produces a fire that transmutes heavy energy like wood in a fire, and in return produces the rising, transforming, radiant energy of light and love. 

  1. Manifesting Light
This technique uses two mantric words of power NUR (pronounced NOOR) for light and HAYY (pronounced “Hi”) which means to come alive.  So, with your head very gently moving from left to right repeat 3 times:  Nur, Nur, Nur  – then powerfully say Hayy as your head moves down toward your heart.  

Note: When you say NUR, you are calling and building a presence of light, stronger and stronger with each repetition; then when you say HAYY, you call that light into manifestation:  if you want it to manifest in your aura, then bring it into your heart; if you want it to manifest in a room or building, then feel the light coming to life in the middle of the room or building and filling the whole room as if someone just unveiled a sun.

Each of these techniques requires practice to become proficient, but once proficient you can do them easily on the spur of a moment.  Also, you must have enough concentration to hold the practice and not get distracted.  A light adept can simply manifest and hold light in a situation, or their aura at will, without any technique, the greater the adept the more heaviness they can transmute  BUT each of us can learn to handle what we are given.

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