Blessed Mother’s Day!


May infinite blessings be upon all Mothers!


May God’s Bounty, Mercy and Compassion be returned to them who are the power of all creation and who have given birth to us all.


Oh my Blessed Mother, giver of life;

power of Creation; Guide, Consoler, protector of life.

In my life, oh Blessed Mother, I know thee as Wise Consoler,

Healer, Nourisher. Tis you oh Divine Mother who are Love, Lover and Beloved; you are all mercy and Compassion.

Your love and life is in every name and form, nothing exists, nothing lives, nothing sings in creation but you.

We praise thee oh most sacred She, we love thee, we honor thee with all our heart and soul.

“Love is the divine Mother's arms; when those arms are spread, every soul falls into them.”  - Hazrat Inayat Khan

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