Spiritual Financial Glossary
I got bored this week studying health care finance and started thinking about spiritual finance instead [grin], like what is spiritual...
Investment Capital - Our Service to others and participation in awakening - both our own and that of the planet.
Cash Flow - Karma, the ever flowing law of cause and effect.
Savings Account - Good Karma (results from good actions).
Debt - Bad Karma (results from limited, self-centered actions).
Spending Money - Compassionate Thoughts, Kind Speech and Generous Actions.
Bills - Samskaras, limited mental/emotional habit patterns that create Karmic Debts and are overcome in the process of awakening.
Income - Meditation, Prayer, Worship, Zikr.
Operating Budget - Life.
Balance Sheet - Akashic Record.
Gifts Received - Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy, Love.
Gifts Given - Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Praise
Investment Capital - Our Service to others and participation in awakening - both our own and that of the planet.
Cash Flow - Karma, the ever flowing law of cause and effect.
Savings Account - Good Karma (results from good actions).
Debt - Bad Karma (results from limited, self-centered actions).
Spending Money - Compassionate Thoughts, Kind Speech and Generous Actions.
Bills - Samskaras, limited mental/emotional habit patterns that create Karmic Debts and are overcome in the process of awakening.
Income - Meditation, Prayer, Worship, Zikr.
Operating Budget - Life.
Balance Sheet - Akashic Record.
Gifts Received - Grace, Forgiveness, Mercy, Love.
Gifts Given - Charity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Praise