Getting Hammered by Life

Getting Hammered by Life

What do u do when life just takes your let's out from under you and the knocks you flat with a hard blow to the heart or ego?

This really hurts; sometimes the pain causes me to react in anger or to revert to old coping mechanisms like staying in bed or drinking more wine than I should.  I’m not criticizing these things, but they don't generally take away the pain, at the most they just temporarily hide it.

Admittedly, during these times, there is very little in the way of spiritual practice I feel like doing because I am so lost in my feelings of pain and out of balance.

Yet, it may be useful to note that there are a few things I find I can do (maybe must do) to help me regain my balance again... I may do only one of these for a prolonged period of time but I practice it often:

·        I find I can usually just sit down and breathe, in and out, in and out - letting the breath carry away everything else but the breathing. Just sitting and breatheing and letting go of all thoughts as they arise, allowing my breath to breathe me, to cradle me, to rock me in its rhythm.

·        I always can do the elemental breath practice and with it I inhale Ya Shaffee, Ya Kaffee.  Also I always can do alternate breathing, called Do Kasab by the Sufi and Pranayama by the Yogi. (I will post the elemental breath practice on this blog).

·        I say prayers, prayer is so powerful but they must be done without expectation.  Sometimes we feel bitter and that our faith is gone, then I know it is hard to pray but no matter, still say the prayer(s). There are many wonderful prayers... prayers of your own making to the One Reality; and other prayers such as the Prayer of St. Francis, or the Prayer for Peace or the powerful prayers of the confraternity given by Hazrat Inayat Khan (which can be found at

·        I center in light, let the all pervading light of the universe fill my aura. Sometimes I just imagine my body, emotions and mind being filled with light; sometimes I find and listen to a light meditation practice.

·        Sometimes I very much feel I must ask for forgiveness from God – God is instantly and all forgiving.  Sometimes it is for myself but sometimes it is for another. The Divine Blessing for this is Ya Gaffur - Ya Gaffar.

·        Often, especially when my faith is at a low I ask for strength to endure and to go on. The Divine Blessing for this is Ya Maumin.

·        Finally, I ask myself if I am ready to look into the face of the pain or anger I am feeling? Can I let my heart embrace it, accept it or allow it to just be with me, in my heart?  Eventually I must find a way to expand my heart enough to integrate the pain into my being.  Not easy by any means!

May God Bless us and favor us with awakening in Truth; let us be cooked but not burned, allow us to understand the way of life and our purpose in life. May we be shown how to effortlessly serve others in the ways we can, to keep our light burning bright and to bring light into the world.

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