Invoking the Divine: Using Spiritual Invocation

What is an invocation?
In short, a true spiritual invocation is a phrase charged with spiritual magnetism. It embodies, behind the words so to speak, a transcendental dimension of awareness.  Invocations instantiate Sacred Space.

One who repeats an invocation with feeling, sincerity and belief makes themselves a receptacle for the magnetism or truth which the invocation embodies.  The power of an invocation is "TO BE", in other words as you say it manifests.  Regular use of a spiritual invocation builds an atmosphere of emotion, thought, and spirit from the all-pervading life into your present life. The practice and use of spiritual invocation and affirmation utilizes the principle called: take one step toward God and God will take ten steps toward you.

Here are a few invocations you may enjoy using:

THE SUFI INVOCATION of Hazrat Inayat Khan

Toward the One
The Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty
The Only Being
United with all the illuminated souls who form the embodiment of the master
and the spirit of guidance.


May the holy ones whose pupils we aspire to become show us the light we seek, give us the strong aid of their compassion and their wisdom.

There is a peace that passeth all understanding; it abides in the hearts of those who live in the eternal.

There is a power that maketh all things new; it lives and moves in those who know the self as One.

May that peace brood over us, that power uplift us, till we stand where the One Truth is invoked, till we realize our true self.


I Surrender to the pure white light of the Christ.
Nothing but good can come to me,
Nothing but good shall go from me.
I give thanks.


From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of humanity.
Let Light descend on Earth

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of humanity.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of all people --
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of humans
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Divine Plan on Earth.


God of Light, fill my consciousness with a sublime realization of Thy exalted presence.

While I am attuned with Thy Divine Vibrations, touch me with Thy Spirit, that my thoughts may be quickened.

Keep me steadfast in my search for Thy Truths, and reveal to me the workings of Thy laws.

May Thy peace and consciousness descend upon me now and enfold me with Thy Love everlasting.


From the unreal lead me to the real
From darkness lead me to light
From mortality lead me to immortality
OM Peace, Peace, Peace


Perfected One, Perfected One, in the name of the Friend
We say HU for the chain of transmission,
We say HU for the strugglers for truth,
We say HU for the dervishes present and absent.
We invoke the power and baraka of the community and the great ones upon our assembly.
We dedicate our activity this day to the deepest consciousness in all its forms of being.

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