To Be a Light Bearer

To enter the Sister/Brotherhood of the Light Bearers requires only a committment to work for light in the world.  To strive, to the best of ones ability, to bring or uphold light in the world in whatever way works for you. There is no right or wrong way, there is no perfect way and we are accepted into this cosmic initiative just for our sincere desire to be a part of it.

Once the cosmos accepts our committment, it will show us the way to work and it will strengthen us with its light in our life.  Our committment is accpeted if, or once, it becomes sincere (which does not mean that we still don't slip and fall) but it is a committment between ones heart and God - and you can't fool God :-)

The source of the Light Bearers' is the Divine Light; the emobdiment of the Light Beares' is all the illuminated souls, most prominant among them being all the Prophets for this is a prophetic, cosmic initiative.

One of the best ways to become a Light Bearer is to simply make a pledge to do so.  Pir Vilayat once said that the power of a pledge was that it is like "a sharp sword that cuts the guilt of the past and the pre-configuration of the future". In other words it frees one from the past and opens a door to a future that is not conditioned (Ya Fatah, is the Opener of the Way).

I wish to offer this "Pledge of the Light Bearer" which you can make, and if made sincerely from the heart will admit you into the Sister/Brotherhood of the Light Bearers:

"In the name of God, and all the Illuminated Souls who hold aloft the light of Truth, I pledge to uphold light in the world that I may be strengthened and guided by the light of Divine Truth."

If you are interested, below are some further words to comtemplate by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, a Vice Regent of Light, regarding the power of a pledge.

"It is a pledge that makes a break in the continuity of your life and opens up new possibilities. So a pledge is a definite determination; it affirms your free will. I would say that it's the pledge that makes you into a knight in the tradition of chivalry which in that of the Sufis, it is called Futuhat, which is chivalry. And that has the power of absorbing your shadow. Because it is action which determines the way that qualities unfurl and defects are absorbed. It's action. There is the determination but that determination is with reference to action: I will do this; it's always with regard to action."
"Can you imagine taking a vow to become a knight of light as part of your spiritual practice? The work would entail protecting the victims of manipulation and greed; in addition, you would act to counter the actions of those who cause suffering to others. Assuming a role on a cosmic knighthood of service, however, requires attuning to the spiritual power that flows all the way down through the hierarchy of beings who form the spiritual government of the world to those on the earth plane working to better the human condition."

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