Oneness: The Continuity in Change

Teilhard de Chardin said, in regards to our interdependent actions on the planet: The day is not far distant when humanity will realize that biologically it is faced with a choice between suicide and adoration.” 

Juan, an Andean Paco (teacher) I’ve studied with once said: 'we think that if we don't change we are going to destroy the Earth - we are not going to destroy the Earth, the Earth will survive, we are going to destroy ourselves.'

Most all of us, who are even partially awake from the hypnosis of self-centeredness, agree that a major change is needed in the way humanity perceives existence and the social/political/monetary power structures that maintain this perception.

Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee offers a nice description of this paradigm shift in his book Light of Oneness:

Dynamics of duality have embedded our world in conflict and patterns of opposition… A different archetype is emerging within the collective psyche of humanity, an archetype not defined by the constellation of opposites...Can we leave behind the attitude that sees opposites creating conflict, and instead become open to the potential of opposites to unite?  The era of the warring brothers is over—its dynamic of winning or losing is past. Now we need to welcome a paradigm in which consciousness does not constellate the opposites but recognizes their deeper union. Only then can the elements that contain this new way of being come into life...

To make such a radical shift in “the masses” will require massive change. This massive change will require a massive de-construction of the structures of consciousness, both internal and external, that support the current paradigm. We are all a part of it, willingly or unwillingly, we are all affected by this change.  Yet, the divine purpose and the flow of cosmic intelligence are working to guide us, individually and collectively, in the next steps to take so we are not left alone to suffer as mere causalities of this change.

 What can we do to help ourselves in handling these changes?
     1. Celebrate awakening in whatever ways present themselves to you;

     2. Become a Light Bearer – Shine your light in the world, see how you help birth the light of this paradigm shift;

    3. Remember your life as a continuity within this change, not a single ‘blip’ in time on the planet. You are a flow of life that will participate in birthing this paradigm shift over what might be lifetimes.

We can take this step by becoming more conscious of the energy of oneness, of how it connects all life and how it reveals the hidden meaning of each moment.  This awareness can help unblock obstructions in the flow of energy through life and help life reflect our inner knowing of divine unity. – Vaughn-Lee

A Mantra blessing that can help us gain this realization that we are a continuity in change is: Ya Ahad-Ya Samad-Ya Hayyo-Ya QayyumI discover myself in The One, as Eternal, and within this eternal oneness I recognize myself as a continuity of life ever flowing and self-subsisting.

Then, to help us birth this perception of unity and oneness, allowing it to do its work in and through us in the world: Ya Wajid-Ya Wahid – I find and perceive Unity - and then I bear witness to it as Ya Wahid-Ya Shahid.

There is such power in bearing witness to something - it is not a passive act but an act of affirmation and manifesting!

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