The Law of "Pratyaya" and Emotional Freedom or Imprisonment

We are like a magnet with two poles, a North pole and a South pole. These two poles can be compared to ones inner consciousness and ones outer consciousness or ones unlimited consciousness and limited consciousness. One part of our conscious reality is centered within the totality of all that exists and our whole being is linked with that reality; the other part or pole of our conscious reality is caught in a limited awareness of life. This limited awareness, which we use in everyday life (unless trained otherwise), results in limited mental-emotional expressions like: Fear, Jealousy, Greed, Depression, Anger, Sadness, Impatience, and Stress. And the continual practice of these limited mental-emotional habit patterns essentially orphans us from the unlimited pole of our awareness.
Thus in general, “Mankind, the great orphan” (orphaned from our unlimited consciousness), goes on and on practicing limited awareness - practicing every day at becoming more and more proficient at experiencing and expressing a only a very small portion of our own power, of our own consciousness, of own true being.
And one wonders, if we have such a great inner power why don’t we know it? Why have we put ourselves in bondage to these limited expressions of life, to the point where we feel powerless and defenseless to the onslaught of the circumstances of our everyday lives.
I will tell you – because we have engaged in kind of conditioned learning due to a law of consciousness that is called by Yogis “Pratyaya”. Pratyaya is nothing more than the principle that consciousness is like a mirror and whatever we focus upon (i.e. practice) we will manifest and grow in our consciousness, in our perception, in our feelings, in our thinking, in our actions.
But mystically, Pratyaya goes much deeper than this: Its like around every object that one perceives there is an energy field, a ‘Pratyaya’ that takes form, and as one looks upon that object one feels that energy field or Pratyaya - one feels the opinions of every previous person that looked upon or thought upon that object. If it were a picture of a loved one and you walked in and saw that picture there would be an energy field about it composed of the feelings of those that were close to that loved one, and, because of this very subtle ‘mirror nature of consciousness’, you would begin to feel and sense those other’s feelings and you would unconsciously respond to them. A similar example would be the case where someone walked up to you who was very depressed, or angry or tired and all of a sudden you also begin to feel tired, depressed, etc. by just being around them; or, on the other hand, someone who is very energetic and filled with love or vitality comes near you, and similarly you begin to feel their strength and you feel uplifted.
So, all beings are mirrors, mirrors not just to words that are said, but to the thoughts and especially the feelings of others, and most especially to the hearts of those one loves or anyone that one is closely interlinked or interrelated to.
Therefore, in life, ‘limited expressions beget limited expressions’ and unlimited or positive expressions beget unlimited or positive expressions’ – and the rule is ‘the stronger concentration wins’!  So let us strive to be stronger in our unlimited expressions in life than those who manifest these limited expressions - let us strive to manifest thoughts, feelings and actions that are positive, loving, generous, beneficial and compassionate, even in the face expressions of anger, hate, depression, etc.

Note: this is the first teaching my spiritual teacher, 
Amin Macko, gave to me.

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