The Law of "Pratyaya" and Emotional Freedom or Imprisonment
We are like a magnet with two poles, a North pole and a South pole. These two poles can be compared to ones inner consciousness and ones outer consciousness or ones unlimited consciousness and limited consciousness. One part of our conscious reality is centered within the totality of all that exists and our whole being is linked with that reality; the other part or pole of our conscious reality is caught in a limited awareness of life. This limited awareness, which we use in everyday life (unless trained otherwise), results in limited mental-emotional expressions like: Fear, Jealousy, Greed, Depression, Anger, Sadness, Impatience, and Stress. And the continual practice of these limited mental-emotional habit patterns essentially orphans us from the unlimited pole of our awareness. Thus in general, “ Mankind, the great orphan ” (orphaned from our unlimited consciousness), goes on and on practicing limited awareness - practicing every day at becoming more and more proficient at ex...