
Showing posts from 2018

Who is a Light Bearer?

Who is a Light Bearer? One who brings light into the world by any act of service, kindness, or self sacrifice for others...  a smile on the street, a friendly gesture, picking up a stray piece of trash; giving or volunteering to help others; the sacrifice one makes for a spouse, child or neighbor; tolerance of others, then acceptance, then love; working for the greater good, protecting Mother Earth, teaching from the heart and asking nothing in return. Light bearers may support other light bearers, near or far, by putting into the ethers heart felt blessings, or heart felt wishes of gratitude, respect and honor. This benefits both the giver and receiver!

Its Simply IDEAL

An ideal is a vision perfection we nurture and strive to attain. When our ideal is shattered on the rocks of reality - it is only its limitation that is shattered, opening the door for us to find it again in a greater form. An ideal is the means to growth, but its breaking is the means to evolution. If your ideal is not shattered, you will never see what lies beyond it. Make not an idol of your ideal! Hazrat Inayat Khan wrote: "The God-ideal is the flower of creation, and the realization of truth is its fragrance." "In all directions of progress the ideal is the compass that shows the way." "You must find your ideal in yourself; no ideal in life will prove lasting and true except the one you yourself make."

The Law of "Pratyaya" and Emotional Freedom or Imprisonment

We are like a magnet with two poles, a North pole and a South pole. These two poles can be compared to ones inner consciousness and ones outer consciousness or ones unlimited consciousness and limited consciousness. One part of our conscious reality is centered within the totality of all that exists and our whole being is linked with that reality; the other part or pole of our conscious reality is caught in a limited awareness of life. This limited awareness, which we use in everyday life (unless trained otherwise), results in limited mental-emotional expressions like: Fear, Jealousy, Greed, Depression, Anger, Sadness, Impatience, and Stress. And the continual practice of these limited mental-emotional habit patterns essentially orphans us from the unlimited pole of our awareness. Thus in general, “ Mankind, the great orphan ” (orphaned from our unlimited consciousness), goes on and on practicing limited awareness - practicing every day at becoming more and more proficient at ex...