
Showing posts from October, 2015

Bringing the Most Holy into the Body - A Practice

CONSECRATION and INSTANTIATION of The HOLY HOST IN HEART This is a very sacred practice and must be treated as such. Very often the angels will come when you do this.  You are calling the most pure, sacred, and most holy, it is a gift beyond words, beyond the denseness of world. Now center your awareness at or above the crown center inhale Hu - The Holy Spirit - feeling it descending as a sacred white dove of light through the Crown and into the Throat Chakra (as a Zikr you would repeat aloud Hu feeling it descent down through the crown to the throat). Then in the most pristine, pure, awaiting sepulcher of the Throat Center we feel Hu transformed into The Most Holy of Holies - Quddus.  Now the vibration Hu changes and manifests as Quddus . So next you exhale Quddus in the Throat Center, feeling the most holy, sacred light of the Holy Spirit permeating in the Throat Center (as a Zikr you repeat Quddus aloud feeling it vibrate fully in the Throat Ce...

Evolving Respect - The Station of Adab

The first sign of an evolving spirit is shown in practicing respect and tolerance for the superstitions, customs and beliefs of others. Then there comes a stage where one evolves to a point where one feels a real sense of freedom - free from all those constricting, limiting customs, superstitions and beliefs of others. It is a wonderful feeling! But here it is that our evolving spirit must make a transition, from 'practicing respect' for the customs and beliefs of others, to 'seeing oneself as another', and also to seeing life and others as living manifestations of God. Ironically, if one does not pay attention to this "second transition", one risks becoming very unforgiving, callous  and inconsiderate toward others due to the very sense of freedom one feels. Right? It's because that sense of freedom engenders some sense detachment, some lack of attention to the limitations or predicament of others.  Oh yes, and the other thing here ...