Learning “We Are One” the hard way…

The awareness of our inter-connectedness has been sub-consciously dawning upon us for quite some time. Outwardly we see it expressed in technology such as the Internet and the explosive use of Social Media; we see it in the impact of the global economy, and even the way in which “The News” brings tragedies of world into our living rooms.

We are at a point where cannot escape each other any longer – there is nowhere we can hide. So this sub-conscious awareness is becoming consciousness, whether we like it or not.

We are also collectively finally beginning to see that we are ecologically and biologically interconnected: The Gulf Oil spill, reactor melt downs at Chernobyl and Fukushima, the impact of Fracking, GMOs, mass destruction of forests and progressively the deterioration in the Ozone Layer will teach us that we are part of one big biological being living on this planet.  There are what we call ‘Natural Disasters’: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Volcanic Eruptions, Droughts, which now seem to have an impact upon the entire world. If this is not enough, we will be taught through Pandemics and they will get worse until, both individually and collectively, we not only begin to realize “We Are One” but also figure out how to act in ways that reflect this reality.

These disasters and tragedies represent several things:
1.     A cry for help from Mother Earth;
2.     A manifestation of our Ego’s lack of awareness of our inter-connection with all life on this planet;
3.     An urgent call to action both individual and collectively.

This of course is nothing new, the phrase “Think Globally – Act Locally” has been around for a long time, however right now the urgency of making changes is becoming critical. If we can act now, as much as we can, voluntarily, we can minimize the impact of the ‘forced change’ as well as heal and avert more long term consequences of our past actions.

And Act we are… there is positive change happening all around that we can support and participate in, for example: the positive use of Social Media for good; Global Spiritual activity such as “Winter Feast for the Soul”; Global Watch Groups; Global Prayer efforts; advancements in alternative energy solutions such as electric cars; rises in the numbers of Farmers Markets, Food Co-Ops; Greener Companies; local volunteer groups

for community and social support efforts.  If you look at all these, at their core they are all motivated by “Heart”, by Love, and they manifest as concrete actions in support of our One Being!  Love is always unifying for that the power of love!

Because we are interconnected every conscious, skillful action impacts the whole. 
So let’s continue to Wake Up, Stand Up, and Keep Up our efforts to participate in this great global, ecological, biological, and spiritual act of love for Mother Earth, each other and our progeny!

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