
Showing posts from September, 2013

Using The Service Circle Ceremony in Times of Tragedy

On a daily basis, the ever presence of news media brings into our own homes the tragedies that befall our fellow human beings.  We witness them with graphic clarity to the point where, at times, we become numb. We become numb as a coping mechanism, for these tragedies do cause us pain - how can we cope otherwise, how can we help - we feel there is little we can do even though we may wish to help. Never under estimate the power of your heart felt and focused prayers for the victims of these tragedies; never under estimate the power of God's blessings and light if you call upon it to help these people. We do not see the result, we cannot change what has happened, we still cannot fathom why it happens but yet our prayers do help. Sometimes we think this is too small an effort, too easy, but it is something we can offer, it is something we can do. Yesterday, as I witnessed the Colorado floods taking away peoples cars, homes, lives, I sat to pray.  I...

Auric Modus Operandi

Our Aura has both a passive and active modus-operandi. When our Aura is passive we receive impressions of both the outer and inner worlds. T he outer world is defined by our physical surroundings, the inner world is initially defined by all our relations but is really limitless and unbounded.  Using the dust free passive Aura as a looking glass, the Mystic knows both seen and the unseen. When our Aura is reflective it radiates impressions into both the outer and inner worlds.  Using the reflective Aura is how the Mystic works in changing atmospheres and influencing situations - Inshallah, as God Wills.  This is one means of providing spiritual service.  The Aura is made reflective by projecting or holding an impression or divine quality in it. These abilities are part of the Mastery learned on the Mystical or spiritual path through the practices of concentration. Mantras or Wazifa The Divine Quality for Mastery is Ya Wali an...

Changing Atmospheres

Even the mighty Sun Takes time to dissolve the morning fog; So to do our actions, in changing an atmosphere from negative to positive, Take time.