Tracking Our Purpose in Life
Note: This is continuation of the previous blog on Finding Happiness... I cannot say this enough times, everything on Earth has a purpose, every person has a purpose in life, and the whole of creation has a purpose, if this were not so nothing would exists. In reality, we don't actually have to know our purpose in life and it will always keep trying to manifest, to push through us into the world. In fact you are probably already doing things that are very much in line with your purpose in life; but also, you may be doing things that are very much out of sync with your purpose in life. The value of conscously recognizing, affirming and actualizing our purpose in life is that we can help birth it and we can consciously allow it to be a guide for what we do in life. In this way we will be more successful, we will feel more fulfillment, happiness and joy, and less frustration in our lives. It is the many expressions of our purpose in life that make...