
Showing posts from 2017

I Was A Hidden Treasure

Let me share a creation story with you... I n the lore of the Sufis there is a mystical saying: " I was a hidden treasure and I longed to be known, so out of love I created the world that I might be known." The “Hidden Treasure” is the Divine Reality awakened to its unlimited potentiality; but in this state, it was still an undifferentiated unity that could not see itself, and so it wondered: " H ow can I know what I am ?" And then it knew! " In order to know myself I have to veil myself" , to separate myself from myself! Now this does not seem to make a lot of sense... that to know oneself one has to veil oneself - really? And indeed this raised yet another question… so again the Totality asked itself: "how can I do this, how do I veil myself?" And of course, being the Totality it immediately knew that it must manifest itself as “others”. So, using the power of Ishq (love), it drew upon itself a veil, as the brides of old, wh...