We were offered and agreed to take this job, To travel from the land of the soul to be born on Earth. O ur job came with a purpose, and so our life was given purpose. The job we took was simply living life, and it is very hard work! It is work that lasts a lifetime, however long that may be. It is guaranteed work. It presents us with many challenges to be navigated, and problems to be solved. These challenges and problems were not given to us haphazardly, t hey are intimately tied to the purpose of our job and life. They could not be avoided. In return for our effort, our job gives us many rewards, they are n ot always monetary rewards. Sometimes the rewards are for the soul and are given in ways the mind does not understand. Finally, sooner or later, we are allowed to retire! We have accomplished many things at our job of living life, and nothing is labeled good or bad. This is a time of joy, it comes with ...