
Showing posts from January, 2014

An Evolution Revolution: A Teaching for our Times

Existence is endowed with the capacity to purify itself from poisons, self-heal and self-correct from imbalance; it can regenerate when damaged and renew itself when depleted. As a whole, existence is programmed with the capacity to right itself from damage – this is the principle of Harmony. Yet how does this capacity apply to Humanity and the Biosphere within which it lives on Mother Earth?   Humanity, as an integral part of the One Reality, is programmed with this capacity to heal and right itself, as well as the capacity for complete self-awareness.  The attribute of Self-Awareness gives rise to two additional gifts which set humanity apart from other species: The power of Free Will and Co-Creation!  However, these two powers, perhaps the greatest of all power, come at the price of great responsibility. The power of Free-Will, coupled with the power of Co-Creation, allows humanity to influence and even change how the self-righting capability of the Universe will...

Meeting White Tara

While driving to give a retreat in Cleveland Ohio a marvelous gift was given to me, this Thanka of White Tara. I knew instantly she was to become a part of my life ... she is living in the center of my Meditation Room and she has become an important part of my prayers. She and I, We are still becoming aquatinted but already I feel a deep connection and her presence has already brought protection and blessings into my life and heart. She is Compassion, Kwan Yin, born of Avolkitishvara's tear and as it is her nature to give, I wish to give her to you. You can connect with her through her image and reciting her mantra 21 times. White Tārā, known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel. White Tara is a female Bodhisattva who embodies the motivation of Compassion, being known as Compassionate Mother of Long Life. Her function is to bestow long life, good fortune, and wisdom. It is said that living beings receive T...


These binding threads: Attachments, responsibilities, expectations, aversions;  woven so subtlety  into our consciousness,  Are released, wh en for one moment we sit  in surrender to Shunyata, Enjoying the limitless clear sky.

Wandering the Desert of Life

Oh Dervishes, in wandering life's material deserts, i f you happen to get caught in one of its arid valleys, v oid of the Water of Sp irit, Recite the words of our Confraternity Prayers for they are like the sweet water of an Oasis where you will be replenished and renewed. Prayers of the Confraternity of the Sufi Message