
Moth Light

  What attracts the moth to the flame - Longing ; What draws the moth into the flame - Love !     The Cause of Union, Moth and Flame, Is the Moth’s yearning for the Flame, and the Flame’s yearning for the Moth.

There's Always Time

There is always time in the One,  For there is no time, As every time is this time,  and this time is now.   So never think it's too late!

Enlightenment #2

  Enlightenment Does not make you Holy, It makes you Human! To Be Human is knowing all beings are part of oneself,  and to act accordingly!  Hu = The All Pervading Consciousness (Shiva) Ma = The Divine Mother or Goddess (Shakti) N = instantiation Human = The All Pervading Light Born in a Body

Every Ray of Light

  Every ray of light removes a veil revealing Divine Presence. Shadows only exist  to bear witness to  the Divine Light!


It’s not a goal you can achieve - the more you try the more it fly's. It’s not something you can buy or own - the more you pay the less you get. You can’t fake it to make it, and i f you say you are - you aren’t. If you try to think it up - you will stink it up.   Yet, e nlightenment is  no mysterious thing. It is a simple, persistent, heart felt sense of being One with others  and all life, Where the barriers of self-centeredness and veils of separation are thin. Enlightened beings are not perfect, whatever that means; They are fully human and happily embrace  it; They fall, but they know how to get back up. They can be anyone, anywhere, at any time - you won't often recognize them; When they speak, you don't much hear the words "I, Me, Mine";  They do not put themselves 'on a pedestal' - and shy away from self-assertion and they will  not  announce themselves !   They are not distinguished by mysterious looks or books, expositions of mystical do...

New Perspectives

  The resolution of polarities will always bring a wholeness from which new perspectives are Born!

Who is evolving?

  It is not you who are evolving; It is the whole of Creation that is evolving, Of which you are a purpose-full part!